In today’s world, there is a great deal of fear. It seems to be everywhere and we are all impacted by it in so many different ways. I recently learned a new transformative method to move from fear to flow using some easy and simple body movements and want to share this in hopes it can help you as much as it has helped me.
My Fear
I have experienced trauma in my past, from events in my childhood and from some near death experiences as an adult. Many times I would find myself reacting and re-traumatizing myself without any self-awareness. I was at the mercy of unconscious events from my past. I would simply shut down emotionally or I would physically leave a situation, flee into my head, or I would argue and fight with others as a way of dealing with the fear. If I fled, I didn’t have to deal with it and if I fought, I felt powerful, as if I had some control over the situation. Others I’ve met might freeze when afraid or become light-headed and almost faint over fear as well.
In many ways, I reacted to events with fear all my life. Even when I might look like I was strong and tough, Many times that was a façade learned to cope with life. I knew when I shut down emotionally, I wasn’t available for my partners, children or friends. But I was taught that men don’t show emotions so continuing the pattern not only seemed natural to me but also very safe. And in a world of fear, safe is a good thing!
Time for a new Connection
Eventually, enough failed relationships made it obvious that this wasn’t working. It wasn’t what I wanted. I needed to do something different if I wanted my relationships to have the depth and sense of connection that I was longing for. After spending many years exploring the trauma and fear, it eventually led me to a workshop at the Hendricks Institute based around body awareness, movement, and breath work that changed my life.
I began learning and trusting my body’s signals instead of my “head” signals which opened myself up to a deeper connection with myself. Instead of operating unconsciously, I began taking 100% responsibility for all of my life. In doing so, I opened myself to a new and exciting world and the realization of how fear has controlled me in so many ways. I gained a set of tools that enables me to feel the fear and move it through me and return back to a life filled with flowing energy rather than running, hiding or fighting.
“Sea” for yourself
I decided to use my talents and create a video using my background in ocean conservation. Utilizing the creatures of the sea, I explain to children and adults how we can all use these simple techniques to move from fear to flow. I worked on this video on and off for 9 months. The breakthrough and real miracle for me came when I enlisted my granddaughter Elise to help me tell the story. Not only am I able to share this wonderful technique with others, I was able to share it firsthand with Elise. Creating something together with Elise to share with others and at the same time help ourselves was rewarding in so many ways. I hope you Enjoy the VIDEO and it helps you when you encounter fear in your life.
Awesome, Joe! Thank you for enlightening me. My reaction to fear is to freeze. I will try your transformative method. You have come so far! I am impressed!